Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2018

What Advantages Bird’s Spit Soup

Nutrition-Bird’s Spit Soup

Since day one, goodness-Bird’s Spit Soup nests or nest was found to have two high nutritional value that is unique and is actively stimulating factor mikrogenik. These two factors would help stimulate the reproduction of cells and cell structure of the body, and is said to be the main source of income skin young, smooth, soft and smooth.
In addition to providing beauty to the skin, it also indicates the Bird’s Spit Soup is very nutritious because it contains materials that can provide energy and the internal recovery, particularly launching system blood flow more smoothly.
What Advantages Bird’s Spit Soup
What Advantages Bird’s Spit Soup

Modern scientific research revealed that it contains high concentrations of minerals, proteins and protein active gelatin, making it the natural health products at once genuine treat for all ages.
Taking a Bird’s Spit Soup in the long run is the best resistance to aging, while elements of the active protein in the nest also stimulates growth of cells in the immune system, thereby strengthening the body fight against disease.
Bird’s Spit Soup is also suitable for pregnant women because it provides benefits to mother and baby. It was clear the baby is born will have skin that is very bright and smooth, and the function of the body is stronger than another baby and mother is recovering more quickly after delivery.
In most cases the benefits of nest that can be enjoyed through the meal prepared, depending on the taste of their own to add delight to entertain. However, it would cost to every decision.
Today, however, recognizes the usefulness and demand is high, especially for beauty, it is available in the form of strokes with cheap and easily shared by all groups.
Bird’s Spit Soup extract can make the active ingredients contained much easier to absorb into the skin to repair the structure of epidermis, the skin thickens and disguise fine lines and wrinkles in addition to providing long-term elasticity of the skin.
Study Chinese Medicine in Beijing found Bird’s Spit Soup made ​​skin whitening agents and also good for eye health. For people with asthma, it is also the best agents to restore and strengthen the respiratory system of the lungs.

The results of experiments and research showed that the nest is useful as:

# Substance collagen contained in each of the Bird’s Spit Soup to launch the blood vessels, increased appetite and improves digestive tract.
# Bird’s Spit Soup to cure coughs and reduce phlegm. It also is good nutrition for the lungs and strengthens the respiratory tract.
# Taking Bird’s Spit Soup during pregnancy can reduce pain in the back, strengthening the baby’s lungs contained. It can also speed up the healing process after childbirth.
# For women, regular diet to improve metabolism, improve skin and slow the aging process.
# For the elderly, feeding on a regular basis to strengthen muscle and bones and increase the immunity against the disease.
# For children, the nest can expand the absorption of nutrients in every food and strengthen the lungs.
# Voted excellent food to other smokers to reduce the effects of nicotine caused cancer and preventing attacks.


On October 3, 2005 in Putrajaya, the Deputy Prime Minister Dato ‘Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak Industry recognizes the Bird’s Spit Soup (ISBW) is an industry with high growth potential and generate a lucrative profit.
Production License
Local Government and Department of Veterinary Services has also issued licenses to pegusaha building (nests) that comply swallow certain conditions, according to law.
Aggressive Private Sector Involvement
The private sector has planned several projects MEGA (worth millions of ringgit in Malaysia), especially in Perak, and a few other places in the industry Malaysia.Memperlihatkan Bird’s Spit Soup (ISBW) is great potential and benefits.
Demand Exceeds Supply
Market demand for Bird’s Spit Soup covered the globe like China, Japan, America and Europe and only 20% – 30% of world market demand can be fulfilled (70% -80% failed to satisfy demand)
Bird’s Spit Soup Prices
Depending on the grade and type of nest
Local market price 4,500,00 1kg = RM – RM 6,500.00
World market 1kg = RM 6,000,00 – RM 12,000.00
The highest price RM 12,000,00 – RM 24,000.00.
The success of the Non-Bumiputera entrepreneurs
More than 90% of industry operators Bird’s Spit Soup (ISBW) under the control of non-natives, and they have long enjoyed a gain of multi-million Ringgit Malaysia and became rich.
Capital One: Profit Forever
Capital investors only once to launch the industry and the profits can be collected at any time. Because of land and buildings are shaped permanent.
Gain 80% – 90% Of Revenue
Gain 80% – 90% of industry turnover is an advantage Bird’s Spit Soup (ISBW). Such gains are not available in any other investment.

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