Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2018

Bird’s Spit Soup benefit

The swallow’s Bird’s Spit Soup has a long history dating back to the ancient Ming Dynasty of being able to cure or prevent variety of diseases. It is widely believed by many physicians throughout the world to help regulate the function of endocrine system as well as other body functions.
In ancient times, the genuine Bird’s Spit Soup nest would only be consumed by people of rich and famous stature such as the Emperor of China due to its very rare and expensive price.
However, over time swallow’s Bird’s Spit Soup have become widely consumed by people regardless of age or importance. If taken regularly swallow’s Bird’s Spit Soup has many positive effects on people’s health.
Bird’s Spit Soup benefit
Bird’s Spit Soup benefit

Benefits such as:
  • To improve body endurance and recover illness such as chronic influenza, cough, asthma or any illness associated with respiratory tract or lungs (especially for smoker)
  • To help body recover after extensive operations or injuries.
  • Improve post-operative broken cells.
  • Strengthen the body, moisturize the skin, maintain beauty, provide energy and enhance the metabolism of fat.
  • To maintain an ageless skin especially for women and delays the sign of aging.
  • Strengthen infant’s body and stimulate the growth of the brain.
  • Helps enhance metabolism, strengthen various body functions and reinforce immunity.
  • Can alleviate tiredness, relieve spiritual pressure and recover body strength through consuming Bird’s Spit Soup regularly.
  • Helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells.
Current development in health science, the genuine and high quality Bird’s Spit Soup refers to some water-solube glycoprotein with a complex protein composition might influence medical properties in human body. This complex glycoprotein will, hopefully, in the future be able to cure cancer or even HIV patients to recover.
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The nutritious benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup
For centuries, Bird’s Spit Soup in China is considered as a delicacy with numerous health benefits.According to the Chinese, this is referred to as the “Ying” or cold food and the ancient stories tells us that Bird’s Spit Soup is the dish for the dynasties and it is considered a very special and expensive food reserved only for the kings.
Various studies have showed that Bird’s Spit Soup proved to have many benefits, including:
Rich in antioxidants to counteract free radicals such as dust, pollution, etc.
Makes skin beamingly smoother.
Delaying premature aging (disguise fine lines, wrinkles & moisturizes the skin evenly).
Maintain fetal health (fetal skin becomes smooth and clean).
Maintain the respiratory system (lung organs).
Overcoming anemia (low blood).
Cures Fever.
Anticancer (inhibits tumor cell growth/cancer).
Accelerate post-illness body recovery.
Helps protect your kidney.

Rich in nutritional content
Swiftlet nests have a total protein content of about 65%, while the remaining is 10% water, 23.3% fat, and 0.8% carbohydrate. It also contains minerals, and the most are calcium and iron.
The total content of amino acids in a swallow’s nest is about 6 percent, which consists of amides, humins, arginine, cystine, histidine, and lysine.
Regeneration of cells and increase metabolism and immunity
The high content of glycoproteins and minerals makes a nice swiftlet nest to help regenerate and grow the body’s cells, rejuvenate the skin & boost the metabolic and immune system.
Alternative medicine for various types of diseases
Swiftlet nest is believed to have properties to strengthen the lungs. Consuming Bird’s Spit Soups is also used to aid the treatment for degenerative diseases such as cancer, as well as to restoring health after illness.
Recent studies conducted in Hong Kong suggest that swallow nests may be useful in the treatment of AIDS.
Fertility and reproductive process
Laboratory test results of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 stated that, swiftlet nest is believed to nourish the reproductive system to optimize body functions and hormones
According to research, swallow nest contains 50-60% protein, 25% carbohydrate and 10% water.
Special type of white swallow nest contains N-acetylneuraminic acid and special type of red swallow nest contains ovotransferrin protein. The composition of the comparative white and red swallow nest are
Fat (0,14% : 1,28%),
Ash (2, 1% : 2,1%),
Carbohydrates (25,62% : 27,26%),
Protein (62 : 63%).
Not only that, all types of swallow nests also contain cell division inducing hormone and epidermal growth factor (EGF) which can affect cell growth and deference, including growth tissue, cell regeneration, and immune system.
Other content is sodium (Na) 650 ppm, potassium (K) 110 ppm, phosphor (P) 40 ppm, magnesium (Mg) 330 ppm and iron (Fe) 30 ppm.
As well as having amino acids as many as 17 kinds of them, Leusin (5.9%) Aspartate (5.5%), Glutamate (5.5%) and Tyrosine (5.2).
Ovotransferrin is a glycoprotein of albumin (egg white). Transferrins is an iron-binding protein.

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