Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2018

Bird’s Spit Soup

Bird’s Spit Soup

Bird’s Spit Soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. A few species of swift, the cave swifts, are renowned for building the saliva nests used to produce the unique texture of this soup.
The Bird’s Spit Soups are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. The nests have been used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years, most often as Bird’s Spit Soup.


Bird’s Spit Soup
Bird’s Spit Soup

The Chinese name for Bird’s Spit Soup, yàn wō (), translates literally as "swiftlet nest". When dissolved in water, the Bird’s Spit Soup have a gelatinous texture used for soup or sweet tong sui. It is mostly referred to as "jin wo" unless references are made to the salty or sweet soup in Chinese cuisine.


The most heavily harvested nests are from the Edible-Bird’s Spit Soup or White-Bird’s Spit Soup (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and the Black-Bird’s Spit Soup (Aerodramus maximus). The white nests and the "red blood" nests are supposedly rich in nutrients which are traditionally believed to provide health benefits, such as aiding digestion, raising libido, improving the voice, alleviating asthma, improving focus, and an overall benefit to the immune system.
The nests are built during the breeding season by the male swiftlet over a period of 35 days. They take the shape of a shallow cup stuck to the cave wall. The nests are composed of interwoven strands of salivary laminae cement. Both nests have high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Hong Kong and the United States are the largest importers of these nests. In Hong Kong a bowl of Bird’s Spit Soup would cost $30 USD to $100 USD.A kilogram of white nest can cost up to $2,000 USD, and a kilogram of "red blood" nest can cost up to $10,000 USD. The white nests are commonly treated with a red pigment, but methods have been developed to determine an adulterated nest.
The nests were formerly harvested from caves, principally the enormous limestone caves at Gomantong and Niah in Borneo. With the escalation in demand these sources have been supplanted since the late 1990s by purpose-built nesting houses, usually reinforced concrete structures following the design of the SE Asian shop-house ("ruko") These nesting houses are normally found in urban areas near the sea, since the birds have a propensity to flock in such places. This has become an extraordinary industry, mainly based on a series of towns in the Indonesian Province of North Sumatra which have been completely transformed by the activity. From there the nests are mostly exported to Hong Kong, which has become the centre of the world trade, though most of the final consumers are from mainland China. It has been estimated that the products now account for 0.5% of the Indonesian GDP, equivalent to about a quarter of the country's fishing industry.

All about Bird’s Spit Soup

Bird’s Spit Soup is made of solidified saliva from an Bird’s Spit Soup.
Swallow bird’ nest is only in Southeast Asian Countries, with the highest capacity in Indonesia, but Bird’s Spit Soup in Vietnam has the best taste. Bird’s Spit Soup in Vietnam is voted The King Bird’s Spit Soup by the consumers in the world (According to documents from World Wide Fun for Nature –WWF and Cites)
Bird’s Spit Soup can help to clean lung and respiratory organs, reduce flu and allergic symtomps, increase weight, balance the substance exchange process in our bodies, recover injured cells, anti-aging process, lengthen life…
Bird’s Spit Soup benefits
Bird’s Spit Soup is sweet, cool and good for two vasovagals. It helps to reduce sputum, tuberculosis, fever, asthma, haematemesis, stomach-ache. To sick people, post-pregnancy women, weak children, weakening elderly people… Bird’s Spit Soup is considered the fairy medicine.
All about Bird’s Spit Soup
All about Bird’s Spit Soup

Components of Bird’s Spit Soup
According to researches of scientists in the world, Bird’s Spit Soup is one of high value food, with the components in Bird’s Spit Soup as follows:
Protein: 50 – 52% (high protein but 0% of lipid)
Hexozamin: 12.5%
Galactoza: 5.3%
Galactozamin: 8.6%
Glucozamin: 7.2%
Hexoza: 16.9%
Fucoza: 0.7%
Acid sialic: 8.6%, helps to excite the cells’ growth. Some necessary mineral substances for the body:
Cu (5,87%)
Fe (27,9%)
Zn (1,88%)

Notes: Protein in fish, meat, egg, bean …just contains 12.8 – 34.8%
Some necessary acid amin for the body:
  • Glycine: 1.99% – good for skin
  • Valine: 4.12% – recover injuries and re-create new cells
  • Leucine: 4.56% – adjust sugar level in blood
  • Isoleucine: 2.04% – recover health
  • Threonine: 2.69% – improve immune system and helps the body absorb nutrients
  • Methionine: 0.46% – helps to grow cells
  • Proline: 5.27% – enhance to recover muscle, tissue and skin
  • Acid aspartic: 4.69% – helps to grow cells
  • Phenylalanine: 4.50% – good for brain, increase memory
  • Histidine: 2.09% – helps body grow and increase the connection between tissue and muscle
  • Lysine: 1.75% – increase the ability to absorb Ca, helps bones stronger, anti spinal degeneration.
Besides, Bird’s Spit Soup also has Tryptophan: 0.7% helps to prevent cancer and L-arginine: 11,4% helps to improve sex very well. In Bird’s Spit Soup, there are 16 multi microelements like: Fe, Al, Si, Zn, Mg, …with fairly high level. These elements are very important for blood creation, mental activities (Mg), activation effect for nutrients exchange enzymes, development of genital organs (Zn).
Above-mentioned substances in Blood nest (Red nest) always have higer level than in White Bird’s Spit Soup.
People found that there was DNA synthetic excitation substance for a variety of biologic cells. Empiric researches at National centre for Natural science and technology in Hanoi reveal that Bird’s Spit Soup doesn’t gain weight rapidly but clearly enhance muscles’ strength. It’s also a miraculous antidote and anti radiation.

Notice of Bird’s Spit Soup usage

Bird’s Spit Soup has been considered a nutritious and precious dish. However, in the processing progress, you could unintentionally lose some nutrition, or you could use wrong methods that make our bodies couldn’t absorb all nutrition of the Bird’s Spit Soup. Therefore, we have some notices for you as follows:

How To Clean The Bird’s Spit Soup

When defeathering Bird’s Spit Soup, don’t dip Bird’s Spit Soup into hot water because it will be dissolved and lost some substances.
Don’t use any chemicals to clean the Bird’s Spit Soup but clean water. Some people use wine, cooking oil to clean it. It is unnecessary because some substances or taste will be lost. Clean water is enough.
Don’t dip Bird’s Spit Soup in water too long (about less than 4 hours). Pick it up when it’s soft.
Notice of Bird’s Spit Soup usage
Notice of Bird’s Spit Soup usage

How To Preserve The Bird’s Spit Soup

If you don’t use Bird’s Spit Soup after cleaning, wring it dry then put it into the cool drawer of the fridge. You can keep it in the fridge within a week. If you want to save it longer, dry Bird’s Spit Soup completely by the fan (don’t dry it in the sun), then put it into a box and keep it in dry place.
It is a nutritious food but it’s not a fairy medicine.
Therefore, don’t keep it for years. Although it can be kept for years if being kept in dry place, it can be lost substances if you keep it too long. Don’t eat mouldy Bird’s Spit Soup.

How To Use Bird’s Spit Soup

When you should eat Bird’s Spit Soup is also important. Although there is not any official research, people think that eating Bird’s Spit Soup before going to bed is the best. Because after sleeping one hour, human’s hormone is very high and if there is any substance from food at that point, it’s really good for us.
You should eatBird’s Spit Soup regularly to keep healthy. You should eat a small amount of Bird’s Spit Soup everyday or in some certain days a week instead of eating a large amount sometimes.
The best way to cook Bird’s Spit Soup is to steam. All substances of Bird’s Spit Soup will be kept. Whichever dishes you cook, you should steam Bird’s Spit Soup separately, then mix it into dishes.

Edible Pure Bird’s Spit Soup - Myths and Common Misconceptions

There are several common beliefs concerning Bird’s Spit Soups. The majority of these beliefs are in fact myths. These misconceptions are confusing and misleading for the consumer. Misleading information makes buying high quality Bird’s Spit Soups difficult. In light of this problem, we have prepared this page to provide clear and accurate facts about Bird’s Spit Soups.

Myth 1: Caves produce better quality Bird’s Spit Soup due to the natural environment.

Fact: Both cave and house nests are built by the same breed of Swiflet, and therefore both environments are naturally constructed. The only difference is in the choice of environment. Previously, cave nests were thought to be more valuable because of the risks involved in harvesting. Harvesters often climb into caves with no safety equipment to protect themselves from a potential fall. However, in terms of quality, a house nests is always supreme. This is because cave nests are exposed to very dirty conditions, whereas a house nest is a far cleaner environment for the bird.
Edible Pure Bird’s Spit Soup - Myths and Common Misconceptions
Edible Pure Bird’s Spit Soup - Myths and Common Misconceptions

Myth 2: A Red/Blood Nest is constructed by a Swiftlet that has consumed seafood.

Fact: Some time ago people believed that a red nest was created by an overworked Swiftlet that had built its nest partly with blood. Nowadays, people believe that the red nest is created by a Swiftlet that has eaten seafood or a food substance which contains a high volume of iron. Research has proved both of these beliefs to be untrue. The red nest (red blood) is not created by the Swiftlet, but by the surrounding environment.
Cave nests turn red in colour due to the mineral content and the wet surface of the cave which seeps into the nest. This polluting of the nest by cave water significantly reduces the nutrient levels of the nest. The red appearance of a house nests is achieved through the unethical dying of white nests. The harvest is deliberately delayed to let the gas from the Swiftlet's droppings react with the nest. The gas emitted by the Swiftlet is called Ammonia. Ammonia is a compound found in fertilizer and detergent.
Long term consumption of Bird’s Spit Soups which has been contaminated in this way will have adverse effects on personal health. The consumption of toxic chemicals has strong links to cancer and other major illnesses. This is the reason all Bird’s Spit Soups experts advise expectant mothers and the elderly to avoid the consumption of red nests.
Besides being a trustworthy pure Bird’s Spit Soup provider, we also endeavor to educate our customers on the verification of genuine Bird’s Spit Soup. This helps to prevent our customer's becoming victims of fake or impure Bird’s Spit Soup. Our expert Bird’s Spit Soup information research team consistently provide updates on market developments, so that we can equip our customers with the knowledge to avoid sub standard products.

What is Bird’s Spit Soup?

Q : What is Bird’s Spit Soup?

A : Bird’s Spit Soup is the nest of certain kinds of swiftlets. Bird’s Spit Soup is a Chinese delicacy that has been claimed by Chinese for Centuries to be an effective health-giving tonic. The nest in itself is made from a nourishment-rich gel secretion which modern research has revealed to contain a number of health promoting qualities.

Q : How good is the Bird’s Spit Soup to human body?

A : Bird’s Spit Soup contains plenty of nourishment and possesses what the Chinese call “rejuvenating effects”. Modern science has help ascertain the age-old belief that Bird’s Spit Soup contains a host of different proteins (water-soluble glycol-protein that promotes cell division within the immune system), vitamins, and various other minerals.
For more information, go to Beneficial Page.
What is Bird’s Spit Soup?
What is Bird’s Spit Soup?

Q : What are ingredients the crook added to fake Bird’s Spit Soups?

A : The ingredients used to fake the nests include resin, seaweed, and white fungus called “the white Tremella”. White Tremella mushroom is added in between the nest-pieces. So, one of the keys to distinguish it when you are purchasing Bird’s Spit Soup is to quickly check the base of the nest pieces. Fake Bird’s Spit Soup externally looks very similar to the real ones but if you were to check the base, it is very obvious you can deteck chunks of Tremella mushrooms. Bird’s Spit Soup is never this chunky.

Q : What are the difference of Bird’s Spit Soup in white, black, and red color?

A : The white and black nests are differentiated by type of the swiftlet who build the nest, the white nest is made from the white Bird’s Spit Soup call “Aerodramus Fuciphaga” and the black nest is made from the black Bird’s Spit Soup call” Aerodramus maxima”. The price of black nest is less expensive than other color nests. The white nest is the best Bird’s Spit Soup with its quality. The red nest is the rarest one that would be made by both kinds of swiftlets. The red nest have been believed contain the bird’s blood but the color actually comes from a chemical reaction between the bird’s saliva and the limestone cave.

Q : Is there any test to differentiate the contaminants from Bird’s Spit Soup?

A : The difference between chemically treated processed nests from those of untreated materials can be detecked by the shine of the cement strands. Nest cement that is too shiny may also be the result of chemical additive. Because the color within the nest is permanent, cleaned nests that are too red in color could be the result of dye treatment which will dissolve when cooked. A simple test that can be carried out to determine if the nests are genuine is the iodine test for starch. Adulterated nests will turn mouldy if left in a moist chamber for a couple days. Other more complicated tests such as gas or gel chromatography can be used to separate the contents in the laboratory.

Q : What is the difference between Cave Bird’s Spit Soup and House Bird’s Spit Soup?

A : Since cave nest are made by natural cave living swallows and difficult to collect, some believe them to be more valuable than house nests, and they often fetch a higher price. However, cave nest generally contains more dirt and feather than house nest. House nest are also made by naturally-living swallows but are built in the human construction such as abandoned houses, building, tunnels. Generally, the texture of house nest are smoother compared to those of cave nest, and with less feathers and other contaminants. Some consider house nests are more superior in comparison of shape, size, color, cleanliness and consistency.

Q : Tips for choosing Bird’s Spit Soup

A : 1. You should feel the Bird’s Spit Soup with your hands. It should be dry, light and hard. Bird’s Spit Soup that are sticky, soft and weighs heavier will become mouldy easily.
2. Bird’s Spit Soup should be clean and with little dirt. Bird’s Spit Soup with feather and dirt is not only time-consuming to clean. It also weighs heavier.
3 .If the Bird’s Spit Soup in cupped shape is dry, there should be 6-7 pieces in every 38 grams. On the other hand, there are usually 9-11 pieces of Bird’s Spit Soup cake in every 38 grams. However, this depends on the size of the Bird’s Spit Soup cake.
4. After soaking, 38 grams of good-quality (processed) Bird’s Spit Soup will weigh around 263 to 300 grams.
5. The quality of processed Bird’s Spit Soup depends on how many the long strands. The more the long strands are, the better quality is.

Millions Of Benefits Of Bird’s Spit Soup

Since 1000 years ago, the Chinese people have already known the special quality and benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup. The food of processed swallow bird is always identical with the royal serving in thet past period. In line with the progress of time, the special quality of Bird’s Spit Soup has been heard and known by the community, so that at present not only the royal family able to enjoy the nutrition and benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup, but also whole people are able to enjoy the serving of high nutrition of Bird’s Spit Soup.
The Bird’s Spit Soup is so special, different from other birds in general. Its specialty is the saliva of swallow bird constituting the main material of the Bird’s Spit Soup derives from glandula sublingualis gland. This gland is proven able to increase the system of your immunity. It is not only good for the immunity of our body, but some contents in Bird’s Spit Soup can also improve the health of your body, more over for the young professional requiring the serving of high nutrition in maintaining the healthy physic, so that they can always improve their productivity.
Millions Of Benefits Of Bird’s Spit Soup
Millions Of Benefits Of Bird’s Spit Soup

The following are several contents and benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup:

1. High Calcium:

The content of high calcium in Bird’s Spit Soup is proven able to maintain the stability of our body and protected from the bone porousness.

2. Ph Alkaline:

The mineral contained in Bird’s Spit Soup causes the Bird’s Spit Soup has the alkali nature, so that it makes the condition of our body having alkali nature and helps the process of detoxification in our body.

3. Sialic Acid:

The presence of sialic acid in Bird’s Spit Soup is proven able to help accelerate the cell regeneration in our body, so that it is not only able to motivate the growth and repair our body tissues but also prevent the early aging on the skin.
Certainly their special quality and benefits are more than that. The Bird’s Spit Soup is proven to be able to make the reproduction system healthy, beautify and maintain the skin health, strengthen the lungs, prevent us from cancer, and even able to be the treatment for AIDS. The special quality and benefits of the Bird’s Spit Soup are really marvelous, aren’t they? More special thing is that the Bird’s Spit Soups are found many in Indonesia. Therefore, at present, there are so many kinds of processed food and beverages from Bird’s Spit Soup, and one of them is the “Realfit”. Realfit is a beverage made of Bird’s Spit Soup with low calorie, since the sugar applied is stevia sugar. Although having low calorie, stevia has the sweet taste 300 times as much as the taste of sugar. That is why, please find out the thousand benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup with the sweet taste of stevia sugar in a bottle of Realfit.

The nutritious benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup

For centuries, Bird’s Spit Soup in China is considered as a delicacy with numerous health benefits.
According to the Chinese, this is referred to as the “Ying” or cold food and the ancient stories tells us that Bird’s Spit Soup is the dish for the dynasties and it is considered a very special and expensive food reserved only for the kings.
Various studies have showed that Bird’s Spit Soup proved to have many benefits, including:


Rich in antioxidants to counteract free radicals such as dust, pollution, etc.
Makes skin beamingly smoother.
Delaying premature aging (disguise fine lines, wrinkles & moisturizes the skin evenly).


Maintain fetal health (fetal skin becomes smooth and clean).
Maintain the respiratory system (lung organs).
Overcoming anemia (low blood).
Cures Fever.
Anticancer (inhibits tumor cell growth/cancer).
Accelerate post-illness body recovery.
Helps protect your kidney.
The nutritious benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup
The nutritious benefits of Bird’s Spit Soup

Rich in nutritional content

Swiftlet nests have a total protein content of about 65%, while the remaining is 10% water, 23.3% fat, and 0.8% carbohydrate. It also contains minerals, and the most are calcium and iron.
The total content of amino acids in a swallow’s nest is about 6 percent, which consists of amides, humins, arginine, cystine, histidine, and lysine.

Regeneration of cells and increase metabolism and immunity

The high content of glycoproteins and minerals makes a nice swiftlet nest to help regenerate and grow the body’s cells, rejuvenate the skin & boost the metabolic and immune system.

Alternative medicine for various types of diseases

Swiftlet nest is believed to have properties to strengthen the lungs. Consuming Bird’s Spit Soups is also used to aid the treatment for degenerative diseases such as cancer, as well as to restoring health after illness.
Recent studies conducted in Hong Kong suggest that swallow nests may be useful in the treatment of AIDS.

Fertility and reproductive process

Laboratory test results of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 stated that, swiftlet nest is believed to nourish the reproductive system to optimize body functions and hormones


According to research, swallow nest contains 50-60% protein, 25% carbohydrate and 10% water.
Special type of white swallow nest contains N-acetylneuraminic acid and special type of red swallow nest contains ovotransferrin protein. The composition of the comparative white and red swallow nest are
Fat (0,14% : 1,28%),
Ash (2, 1% : 2,1%),
Carbohydrates (25,62% : 27,26%),
Protein (62 : 63%).
Not only that, all types of swallow nests also contain cell division inducing hormone and epidermal growth factor (EGF) which can affect cell growth and deference, including growth tissue, cell regeneration, and immune system.
Other content is sodium (Na) 650 ppm, potassium (K) 110 ppm, phosphor (P) 40 ppm, magnesium (Mg) 330 ppm and iron (Fe) 30 ppm.
As well as having amino acids as many as 17 kinds of them, Leusin (5.9%) Aspartate (5.5%), Glutamate (5.5%) and Tyrosine (5.2).
Ovotransferrin is a glycoprotein of albumin (egg white). Transferrins is an iron-binding protein.